Run Circles
Make Money
Change Lives!

Discover the Power of
The One Command Circles®
In This Amazing Training Program You Learn:
You Make a Huge Difference in People’s Lives on a Regular Basis!
Here’s What People Say About The One Command Circle Leaders Training:
“I was looking for ways to inspire people to understand The One Command. The Training easily met that need providing me with lots of stories, such as the one about the £5 note in front of the pub door, which I used in my very next Circle to illustrate the need to look for evidence of Commands manifesting. I also picked up a range of tips, like the one to assure people they have reached the theta state. Altogether it deepened my understanding of The One Command process, and made me feel more confident in the Circles I’ve since led.”
May Johnstone
Certified Circle Leader, UK
“It’s clear that teachers Dr. Katie Garnett and Asara Lovejoy are masters of using The One Command with Circles and have a profound understanding of this process.What makes Katie and Asara exceptional (and this course) is their ability to convey this knowledge to people like myself, which they do so creatively and skillfully. As a result, my experience of The One Command has deepened, and I now feel equipped to facilitate groups using this powerful practice.
Thanks, again, for sharing your knowledge and your gentle, beautiful energy.”
Mary D.
Benefit from Our Combined Knowledge and Experience
Meet Your Trainers:

Katie Garnett, PhD, MPH, Author,
Program Creator, Master Coach and
Certified One Command Worldwide Trainer
Dr. Katie, co-developed The One Command Circle Leaders program based on her experience as a corporate trainer, teacher, program developer, and psychologist in conjunction with Asara Lovejoy, The One Command founder. One Command Circles are now held around the world, from California to Israel and New York to Italy and Norway to Antarctica and on every continent. We just certified three Circle Leaders in Montana and Amsterdam! You go Leaders!!
Dr. Katie is one of only two certified One Command trainers worldwide and impacts thousands of individuals in her trainings and through her one-on-one coaching. We celebrate her enormous contribution to the world.
Asara Lovejoy, Author of The One
Command and Founder of The One
Command Global Programs
Asara says, “I am thrilled to co-facilitate The One Command Certified Circles leadership training with Dr. Katie because it has such a positive impact around the world. Those of you who are becoming certified to help others discover their untapped power in 6-easy steps and by One Command are exceptional.
Creating community and support is so important, especially right now with all of the worldwide changes affecting so many. Not only are you increasing awakened consciousness as a One Command Circle Leader, but you also can earn a living right in your living room – spreading more prosperity for all.”

And learn it all… ONLINE!
A ready-made program that you can bring right into your living room or take to your church or your business office – a program that is making a fantastic difference in success, achievement, satisfaction, personal growth, and physical healing from those holding the circles and those attending – and you can be the LEADER that brings THIS PROGRAM right into your world.
You are ready to be a ONE COMMAND
Certified Circle® Leader!
Now that is a powerful opportunity!
Here is what you get in The One Command
Certified Circle Leaders Training Program
The Complete online training includes your leaders’ manual with guidance on teaching The One Command and everything needed to become a highly competent Circle Leader.
This is package is worth $997.00 but we aren’t going to charge you anywhere near that. In fact you will be Certified for our super 90% discount!!!
That is correct – you can attend to become fully Certified as a One Command Circles Leader!!
You are highly trained and certified in our program
for just $197 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once trained and certified as a Circle Leader, you are part of The One Command worldwide organization with global influence.
You are part of a greater support system with personal access to Asara Lovejoy, the author of The One Command herself.
And you learn how to hold Online Group circles so that people can be reached anytime and anywhere. The Online Circles started in response to requests from people in Australia, U.K., Spain, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, and all over the world. In fact… The One Command Circles® program is already global – held on every continent in the world.
You, as a Circle Leader get to be a part of this growth by starting your own business, offering The One Command to all the people who will be walking through your door.
Check Out These Real-Life Raves.
“I facilitated a Circle for the first time with a group of 6 women last night. The circle literally felt like it had a great big heart in the middle! It felt like a brand new nucleus was born pulsating its profound energy of both inner peace and new possibilities out to the world.
Thank you Katie, for showing me how. The One Command Circle Certified Leaders program was invaluable for me.”
Lynne K. (Israel)
“I have a success story. When I first heard about The One Command, I didn’t know how I could pay $20 to attend a One Command Circle and thought $185 for The One Day – The One Command Seminar was way out of my reach. Here is the good news.
About a month ago, I wrote out the following Command and placed it on the wall behind my computer in bold letters: I DON’T KNOW HOW – MY BUSINESS IS PERFECTLY IN ORDER, FUN AND EASY AND BECOMES MORE PROFITABLE EACH AND EVERY DAY, I JUST KNOW THAT IT DOES NOW AND I AM FULFILLED.
In that month’s time, my publication – Natural Awakenings Magazine in Tucson not only obtained the wisdom, knowledge, and skills to be a success but grew 8 pages larger, secured the sponsorship of a local radio station, and increased in revenue with larger, more
prominent and credible advertisers wanting to participate.
All of this has evolved quite naturally, easily, and to say I am astonished is an understatement!”
Big Blessings to all!
“At the time I attended The One Command Circle® on April 11th, my business for the month was a bit on the slow side. I had no idea how I was going to pull off a good month. By April 25th (end of April for my purpose), only 10 business days after attending, I had done so much business it was the best month of my career. In fact it was over 16% better than my previous best month in January.
Also, our pay process was changed and I only received 1/3 of the money I was used to getting from management fees. Taking that into the equation my April business was up over 35%.”
Thank you,
Shawn D. Moore Financial Advisor Citigroup SMITH BARNEY
Smith Barney is a division of Citigroup Global Markets.
“Wow, talk about power!
I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams that years of feeling fear could be changed in one moment through The One Command at the Circle event!
That this feeling of peace was available to me, and all I had to do was Command it! This is what we should be teaching our children instead of video games!”
“My life was literally saved by The One Command!!!
After attending a Circle and saying a Command for vibrant health, my heart problem was finally correctly diagnosed and treated and I am well today. I was told that had it not been discovered when it was, I had less than a month to live! Today I am healthy and active.”
Ron N.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. People all over the world have changed their lives with The One Command Circles.
Once trained and certified as a Circle Leader, you are also part of an ongoing Circle Leaders Group with global support from other Leaders and an on-going training available monthly.
You are part of a greater support system that includes Bonnie Strehlow, the incredible Dr. Katie Garnett and Asara Lovejoy, the very author of The One Command herself.
There is also ongoing training as well in the form of The One Command Executive Success Coach Certification program, and how to become a One-Day The One Command Certified Seminar Facilitator, and multiple other seminars and One Command Success University programs available online. How Can You Try The One Command Circle Leadership Training with Absolutely No Risk?
We believe so much in the power of The One Command Circle that we’re offering a complete money-back guarantee if you’re not happy.

Here’s our No-Risk Guarantee…
You can only win with our 60-day Happiness Satisfaction Guarantee.
Your satisfaction is our success or your investment returned – no questions asked and you get to keep all of your bonuses.
It’s time to live the life you have always wanted.
It’s time to become the leader you have always known you could be.
It’s time to claim your wealth, health, and happiness once and for all.
Life is a great adventure, or it is nothing at all. – Helen Keller
“I have had the opportunity to see people attending Circles increase their finances, increase inner-peace, heal relationships, find joy, and change who they are in the world.
I have seen them struggle with old beliefs and watched as they Commanded new beliefs, allowing the new and wonderful to fill their lives.
I have seen them learn that life is a process and is easily refreshed with ideas of worthiness, joy, fun, prosperity, and adventure.
I have seen people embrace that adventure and by simply Commanding a new perception, change her or his life in amazingly wonderful ways. Welcome to the next great adventure!”
Asara Lovejoy
author of The One Command