Start Now and Become A Coach in just 3 months plus 4 additional weeks of marketing and promotion in our Groundbreaking One Command Success Coaching Program!
You could be sharing your success just like…
My Coaching Success – Adrianna Rainho – Goldman, Brazil.
Three in One Benefits from taking The One Command Courses.
- The material covered is excellent with lots of referrals and guidelines to build your business and facilitate your practice.
- Learning the how and why of The One Command, beautiful commands to bring in more awareness and a support team beyond words.
- I had given a free session when I started and had forgotten about this. Then the client phoned out of the blue asking for an appointment and paid me. She was amazed at the changes and perceptions she had after our session. I had another two payable referrals since from her and they keep coming in!!!
These clients have no idea what The One Command is. I am awed at the trust that these clients have and are being guided to me to use The Once Command. There is no book or material in Portuguese as yet. That is a huge sign for me how The One Command has its own energy.
I would doubly recommend for anyone wanting to upgrade their knowledge or experience of The One Command to dive in and take the training.
I grew in my relationship with my family, my mind is calmer, things happen on their own and I have found a peace in myself. I have returned home – to myself.
Simple and easy – click on the apply button and we’ll set up a time to talk about you and what you want and how you can have it..
We start you quickly in our Two Part Training.
First you develop your skills, and expertise to become a coach or to improve your existing coaching business.
Next we train you on the mechanics of opening the doors to your business, generating new clients and setting up your practice.
You can help people make a positive change and earn a living doing what you love to do and become confident in your own talent and ability as you go through the training.
People that are drawn to coaching have an internal radar set up to scan for those looking for help and want to contribute and help improve the quality of their life, and to succeed in bigger, better ways.
The Market is ready for you and your expertise.
Most people become a coach for more than the money, yet a good coaching practice can bring you a great living doing what you love – helping to change peoples lives in a positive way.
Here are a few studies that show actual results from coaching:
1: According to Marketdata Enterprises the self-improvement market is worth 13.9 billion dollars annually and infomercials and coaching do best…and…
2: An average Coach’s Income: A 2007 study of nearly 5,500 thousand coaches from around the world found that the “average” annual income for full-time coaches was over $83,000 (US dollars). The researchers found that part-time coaches made around $26,000 a year. That was 7 years ago imagine what it is now…
Your Income Potential is open-ended
Most people are in business because they want more control over their life: to set their own hours, take a vacation, have more family time and FREEDOM while becoming financially safe and secure.
Coaching is unique in that you can conduct sessions anywhere, anytime by phone, Skype or various meetings on the Internet. I remember the day I was laying in bed with the phone to my ear conduction a coaching session and thought to myself –now this is the way to do business. Many coaching entrepreneurs dress in lounge PJ’s during the day never worrying about commute traffic or hours of travel to get to and from work.
And Best of All You’ll Have New Skills
That Will Last You The Rest of Your
Life and in Your Coaching Career!
It’s a fact that when you engage in The One Command it transforms the way you think, increasing your innate gifts, and adding new abilities that become yours from now on into the rest of your life.
Here is what you’ll become an expert at during the training:
Here is what you discover about you and your abilities to coach in our One Command Executive Success Coaching System . . .
First question we often hear – does my training mean I am only qualified to coach executives? Quite the opposite – we refer to you as the executive coach.
You are elevated into a position to execute coaching with your client from the supreme executive internal position of great confidence and certainty about your ability to coach.
We thought – let’s start at the top. Now it might be a stretch to think about yourself this way – at first – but believe me when I say – you will KNOW your own high regard for your coaching ability and others will see it too by the time you complete our training. I think this one is worth about a million dollars on it’s own.
You are prepared in the background and science of how you can make change quickly and easily in our One Command process that delivers real results. Our system is based on science, quantum thinking and measurable results. With the confidence of knowing why it works you make it work.
Our Coaching program is one system applied many ways to serve multiple clients. This means you can create a niche for any client base such as business, relationship, self-help, lifestyle or target specific groups such as weight loss, reduce stress, stop smoking, retirement transitions, or any field that appeals to you . . .
We train you to set up your coaching packages so that the effort you spend to get one client for one session becomes leveraged into one client for many sessions doubling and quadrupling your income.
Buddy Coaching groups: You’ll meet other dedicated and motivated students in our buddy coaching program where you practice, share, and work together in the program.
Our online Closed Forum for the group to chat and share your experiences, ask for guidance and get your questions answered.
And our Open Forum at The One Command Life where you can start to promote who you are by sharing your experience with others.
Here are some of our great friends who highly recommend The One Command
Commanding Wealth Foundation Course
And imagine you as a One Command
Success Coach receiving emails like these……
Business Success – Holly, Arizona
After her One Command Coaching sessions with Dr. Katie Garnett, business owner Holly shares her good news!
“In that month’s time, my publication – Natural Awakenings Magazine in Tucson has not only obtained the wisdom, knowledge and skills brought by Katie but has grown 8 pages, secured the sponsorship of a local radio station, and increased in revenue with larger, more prominent and credible advertisers wanting to participate. I will also be interviewed on the radio and begin advertising during that popular radio show twice a week. All of this has evolved quite naturally, easily and to say I am astonished is an understatement!”
Ending Family Crises – Plano Texas
“Thank you Asara for the transformation in our family. When we began our coaching sessions I was in constant suffering over my son and his difficult behavior. In fact he has high OCD and been diagnosed with mild autism. There has been such a transformation with your coaching system. Here are some of the results. S.E.M”
“After our One Command sessions, my 15-year-old son began doing things for me that I didn’t even ask him to such as pushing our shopping cart in the grocery store, loading the groceries into it, and loading and unloading our car. He is far more cooperative these days and truly seems to want to be helpful most of the time. He also finished 9th grade with a B average and passed all five of his state exams. He decided, on his own, to eat healthy foods and exercise, and supports me in doing the same.
I have felt myself relax and let go of the reigns a bit, able to trust my son to make his own, wise choices. I watch him interact with other adults and marvel at how polite and sincere he is. He is growing into a fine young man and I am growing into a more patient, accepting and effective parent.”
Linda Fialkoff, One Command One-Day Facilitator Graduate, Massachusetts
“Tony Robbins/Madanes teaches the importance of what they call the Triangle for changing our state: Physiology, Focus and Meaning. The One Command does the whole change… What is so mind blowing is the meaning: we shift from powerless to owning our power as we go into new thoughts, images and feelings. Our focus becomes 100% on what we are wanting. I love what you said “We become what we command.” That gave me the goose bumps. I got it. I am what I am searching for. It’s really that simple. I am waking up from my dream of separation.”
My Coaching Success – Adrianna Rainho Goldman, Brazil
The One Command did it for me it gave me a simple 6 step process that anyone could do. I live in Brazil and no one had heard about this. I was the first one plus I live in a small beach resort. I went ahead and built a small group that met once a month. The changes in the group kept moving and expanding, it was so exciting!!!!!!
By attending the ONLINE TRAINING you can immediately see clients in three-months not years and start earning a fabulous income as a certified coach recognized worldwide.
….and some participants simply attend our training to implement fast, quick and lasting change for their personal advancement and success.
Any way you see it’s benefits for you personally or as a new business career – we guarantee that you’ll be blown away by the level of detail, science, and support you receive every step of the way in our program.
Do you want to coach but go back and forth questioning your ability to help others or wondering if you can really make a great living in the coaching industry?
What we noticed is missing in most coaching programs is not only the system to coach, but also the training to build your coaching business. We provide both!
The Mind Set of Coaching as a Career is the determining factor in your Success!
But the benefit value is an instant presence as a certified One Command Executive Success Coach worldwide. We have folks asking us for One Command referrals every day. This is how they can find you.
Click on the link and fill out the simple form to apply for the coaching program. First, we want you to get to know us, and then we want to see if you are a fit for the program. After filling out the form we set up a phone call to meet you and answer your questions.
Training Starts immediately upon your acceptance in the course
The entire program is delivered in 6 months. The first 3 months you become certified to coach and the next 4 weeks you become an expert in promoting and marketing your services.
It is affordable!
Trains you in setting up and starting your Coaching Business
Provides you with forms and take in sheets for you and your clients.
Prepares you for promoting yourself as a coach.
We Share Internet Secrets that can sell you as a coach.
Joins you with other successful students and coaches from around the world.
Provides you with a beautiful way to earn a living doing what you love to do on your own time schedule anywhere around the world.
We look forward to talking with you,
The One Command Executive Success Coaching team, Founder Asara Lovejoy, Directors, Dr. Katie Garnett and Bonnie Strehlow.
If you have any questions call us at (855) 862-4636 or email