Coaching Sessions with Asara Lovejoy
“Success is not reached, it is an inside knowing.”
My approach to coaching is that each client is inherently designed with the talent and ability to accomplish all of her or his ideals for success – yet even the most successful still have more to find in them self to reach that full potential!
For example, it was a wonderful surprise to see my life take off when The One Command and 6-Steps to Greatness arrived in my darkest moment of adversity, then write a book and share the message of our inherent greatness that has influenced over 500,000 people around the world (and still increasing). I love coaching with The One Command because it supports such great change and achievement in each person; adding joy, happiness and satisfaction to their increased success. And the sessions continue to elevate consciousness, solve long-standing issues, and bring in innovative solutions and creative answers, quickly and easily.
What happens in a session with Asara…
The number one response clients report is the quick and rapid clarity Asara brings to a session that instantly unravels what is below the surface, and redirects the focus to a new solution at the same time. They find that it is not what they do, but who they are, that holds all the power. Once new upgrades to the inner psychology take place – through the simple One Command process – unimaginable options appear, or new actions arise naturally to create a real result.
“Asara is unbelievably quick in identifying the deeper resistance or fear and shifting that into a positive useful dynamic – it is awesome. Company relationships shift dramatically, problems are quickly resolved, and financial increase takes off.”
– a Fortune 500 CEO
“I have had the great opportunity to coach CEO’s and executives from the top 5 Fortune 500 companies around the world, and those from the creative arts, such as writers and filmmakers, as well as, world thought leaders, and brand new entrepreneurs. I’d love to explore the possibilities of what is next for you”
– Asara
Apply for coaching sessions with Asara! Complete a short survey and FREE pre-interview to see if you and she are a good match.
Coaching sessions are for you if…
You are stopped by unconscious habits that make it difficult to achieve what you seek. Or you are good at what you do but you can’t relax (called too much stress), nor enjoy yourself in the process. Success comes when you upgrade your script for greater success, at the same time you eliminate the hesitation to succeed. It is the difference between traveling at warp speed or treading water where you are. The more you clear the blind spots, the easier it is to realize your new future.
And you may have discovered that it is difficult to change a way of thinking and being without a clear NEW blueprint in your super conscious, subconscious and conscious mind. During your sessions you’ll identify what stops you, eliminate it and elevate your unconscious programs with your success determination instead – very quickly and easily.
And, you may not be identified yet with your next level of success.
To be truly self-realized you must let the potential of your success become alive within you. The actual one-on-one coaching you receive clears and redirects your ego image to know something new about yourself, and programs it right into your life for the results you are seeking. I like to say the benefit of meeting your mastery rather than your fear is the fast track to your excellence.
In your sessions, in addition to clear and concise attention to action steps and achieved goals, you dissolve old ideas and beliefs held below your awareness that have unconsciously prevented your success – no matter how much effort you have put into your business or self actualization until now.
In your sessions with Asara you will:
- Clarify Your Direction
- Upgrade Your Inner Psychology
- Establish Your Next Level of Success Identity
- Implement and Redefine New Success Blueprints That Fit Your Current and Future Growth
- Engage Your Natural Creativity for Positive Results
Asara Around the World
Take action now to change your present and future success!
“I am thrilled at the quick success that shows up time and time again in my client’s coaching sessions and I appreciate the role I get to play in that achievement. I’d love to meet with you and see where we can create fantastic results together.“
– Asara
Asara is currently accepting new clients, but her travel and training schedule limit the number of clients she can see. Complete the short survey about who you are and what you would like to accomplish in your coaching, then Asara will hold a free pre-interview with you to see if your needs will be met with her coaching services.
Apply for coaching sessions with Asara! Complete a short survey and FREE pre-interview to see if you and she are a good match.