Command Your Wealth Jedi Mastery and End Your Lack Cycle Forever!
Money, Wealth, Happiness and Personal Mastery are coming your way in 8 Weeks of live and online training with Asara Lovejoy, and Big Vision Coach, One Command Trainer, Kathryn Perry.
Start Date December 19th
4:00pm Pacific
– Asara often remarks, that what rich people have that others don’t, is the true desire and commitment for wealth. How often, each day, do you plan, think, daydream, and implement, a rich idea for your wealth? Just making a commitment for wealth changes it all – decide to be rich and your life changes but we know that you can’t do it alone.

Start with your private Jedi Wealth consultation, and add in wealth builders every week, as well as, the Jedi Money Mastery Group calls. It’s a winner! Commitment to your wealth is a must.
Click here to be part of the program and we’ll give you a call to see if this is a right fit for you.
Are you ready to enter into the world of the Jedi Wealth Master and to increase your cash and financial good multiplied, pressed down, and running over, or to break your Lack-Cycle forever?
If you want to get where you want to go as quickly as possible, and you are willing to let go of what holds you back, and are open to new ideas that will become your new platform for financial success then this is for you.
During our one-on-one consultation we’ll help you define where you are blocked or have stopped due to an unconscious ceiling, and reframe your powerful mind with the greater truth of your ability in trust and confidence in 6 easy steps and One Command.
You’ll get connected with yourself in brand new ways to expand your capability to change your thinking, and your self-image, and your money making mind-set, and to make these changes dramatically and quickly.
The minute you register, you begin with our Super Bonus – our premier Cash Rich Success online program that is delivered each week. Here you’ll engage in practices and systems to implement basic and high level money creating principles, ideas and tools. In Cash Rich Success you discover an extraordinary untapped potential for entering into a state of thinking where you create new ideas of wealth at will.
A state of thinking where there is no limit to original ideas and new potentials for your wealth. The new science of the quantum field knows that you can create from unlimited possibilities and create any probable new future for yourself right now! ($497.00 VALUE)

Your questions will be addressed, and you’ll get a chance to sit on the Wealth Jedi Masters Mountain (known by some as the hot seat) and not only clear limitations, but receive an abundance of ideas, tools and support from Asara and Kathryn and the other Wealth Jedi Masters.
Willingness is required; that is a simple YES I want this, yes I give myself permission to have this new experience of myself and to increase my financial good.
And willingness to move from point A to another point in a moment by making a quantum leap.
- Anger at your present circumstance
- Feelings of low self –worth and not deserving to be rich
- Fear of leaving your tribe – they’ll judge you as you get rich
- Defeatism – it isn’t possible
- Co-dependency – you take care of every one else and put yourself last
“I attended your program and asked to receive $250,000 by December 31, having no idea how it would come to me. Then I thought the only way I could receive that amount was if my mother died, horrors!, and certainly I didn’t want that to happen. By 2 p.m., December 31, I received $251,000. My mother is still living.”
– Health Consultant, Granbury
“Thank you so much for your wonderful “One Command” program!. I have been going through a difficult time in my business which has taken a toll on the way I feel about myself (I’m an artist). Today the windows of Heaven opened up. First, my accountant called and informed me that I’m getting over $10,000. from my tax return and then a few minutes ago a collector called and came by my studio and purchased $57,000. worth of paintings. It sounds too good to be true but I just wanted you to know. I sincerely appreciate you helping me through a trial of my faith and I am determined to stay in this “place”. My awareness has increased and deepened and that is a much greater blessing than any amount of money can buy. All the best to you in your great mission of lifting others. I hope I can be a tool to do the same!”
– Many thanks from my family & me, Greg
“I am so excited about my real estate business and am sending you a quick thank you for your program. In short, suddenly this week I am working on several transactions that will generate more income than I made all last year in real estate…. I am grateful to you for facilitating The One Command and clearing our resistance to abundance.”
– Terri Taylor, Residential Real Estate Associate
You can be like Charli Douglas
I wanted to share with all of you how my husband’s hospital bill of $192,000 was forgiven!
We had put in the paper work to the hospital to see if we could have help with our medical bills after my husband had 2 emergency surgeries. (Our insurance company cancelled our plan 3 days after his first surgery.)
I drew a check on a piece of paper and wrote a check for Paid in Full for Chris’s Hospital Bills, and put the date Oct. 21st. (The hospital was supposed to notify us by Oct. 1st if they were going to help us.) When we didn’t hear from the hospital I started worrying AGAIN. It was now Oct.15th and still no word from the hospital. I kept thinking ‘no news is good news’ and kept commanding like a Jedi Money Master for what I wanted…“I trust and believe The One Command works in my life. I only know I am peaceful, calm and love the people making the decision, and our hospital debt is forgiven. I am so grateful and fulfilled.”
On Oct. 21st my husband received the call saying our hospital bill was paid in full!!! I am sure all of you know how we felt when the call came!!! Happy, Excited, Wonderful!
Thank you to Asara for creating The One Command and giving us all the opportunity to change our lives one Command at a time.
Click here to be part of the program.
Our super event starts December 19th
But register early so we can call you for your one-on-one consultation before it begins.
Once accepted in the Wealth Jedi Mastery program you immediately receive our 8-week Cash rich Success Bonus.
And during our time together expect real results and transformation and SURPRISE BONUSES along the way.
8 Week program that includes
- One-on One- Wealth Mastery Jedi Consultation
- Super 8 week Cash Rich Success online for immediate delivery program
- Weekly live calls with Asara and Kathryn to process what you are learning, assist in changing limiting values, beliefs and hidden barriers to your money success.
- Group support and round robin ideas during sit on the Wealth Jedi Masters Mountain (known by some as the hot seat)
- Additional Wealth Mastery Surprise Bonuses
We’re getting a head start for the New year and setting your intention for even greater success and satisfaction.
We’d love to have you join us and become one of the satisfied participants in our awesome One Command programs – especially your Command Your Wealth Jedi Mastery!
Both Asara and Kathryn know that we cannot do it alone – so let’s do it together!
Click here to be part of the program and fill out the simple form to receive our call.
In wealth and abundance,
Asara Lovejoy and Kathryn Perry
FTC DISCLOSURE: Any income claims shared by my students, friends, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, and are verified when written to us by them but are not verified in any other way. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments for yourself or in your business.
DISCLAIMER: Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from The One Command are ideas that have worked for members of our team, students, clients, and friends. Always use your own judgment and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right strategies for you and your business and your particular situation.