Are You Ready to Live an Extraordinary Life and Create It With Your Hidden Super Powers!
YES there is a part of your CONSCIOUSNESS that can be accessed in 6-Easy Steps and your Command that changes it all – beliefs, DNA, and endless possibilities! We want to GIFT you with this phenomenal discovery right NOW!
A New Force of Enlightenment has Arrived
and It Is Already Yours!
A new force of enlightenment has arrived – are you ready to live fully and to move past the struggle to overcome, or go beyond a self-imposed ceiling? If you are, then engage in The One Command 6-step simple, yet powerful process that raises every frequency of doubt, fear, and destruction into peace, love and celebration in you…and your life.
Over 500,000 folks have learned this process of connecting to your inherent invisible SELF that dives into the infinite field of possibilities, at will, by your command for wonderful results in your life.
Unleash A More Magnificent Version of Yourself!

There is a greater intelligent circuitry in you that operates beyond normal awareness, and yes, you have spontaneously tapped into it from time to time. Think of those times when you called a loved one or friend simply on your intuition or a gut hunch. Or solved a problem you “slept on” overnight. Or “met just the right person at the right time” and called it divine intervention, or miraculous synchronicity.
That is because you raised your thoughts into a higher field of vibration – a higher level of consciousness and saw the results.
It is that simple.
This SELF is the more magnificent version of yourself and it is possible for you to INCREASE THE TIME YOU SPEND THERE, and decrease the time you spend in fear, guilt, disappointment, or struggle, simultaneously at the same moment.
What transpires as a result is simply unbelievable until you live it!
Families have reconnected and erased years of anger and hatred; business owners have increased profits and improved relationships among employees; individuals have generated new innovative ideas in science and the arts; and every person – this is a firm promise – every person who learns this process is more relaxed and peaceful every time they take 5 minutes to form and make a Command.
Why is Asara giving away this potent life changing information and process for FREE?
Asara Lovejoy and her innovative One Command Process has impacted the world with a new process for change that is radical, unique and gets results. It uplifts as it increases benefits in every aspect of each persons life. Her mission is to bring this world of transformation to as many as possible.
Asara says, “Right now is an especially important time for us around the world, and it is my desire to make an important difference in the direction we go. The more people who have access to this transformational uplifting process and apply it in their daily life – the more we raise the entire collective vibration and frequency of thought. And the more each individual discovers their true power of BEING, she or he can create better, happier and more prosperous lives.

This is an open house invitation to meet The One Command, enjoy the benefits and be the change in the world that you seek.
And I’ve already fallen in love with you.
Warmly yours,
Asara Lovejoy
Begin with this proven system that creates remarkable increase in talent, abilities and positive results!
The One Command 6-Step Process to Elevate Your Consciousness and Empower Your Life IS DELIVERED in a 4-PART AUDIO/VIDEO program called, The Secret Powers of Your Rich Mind: The One Command Foundation Course.
As you discover why and how you have these super powers we support you with additional PDF handbooks and exercises so you thoroughly learn the process.
Part 1 The Hidden Powers of Your Rich Mind

Brain Waves and Consciousness and how these relate to your ability to create new realities and new results – the ones you are seeking – easily
The actual power of the theta brain wave state and how you tap into it at will
The difference between your logic and your extraordinary intelligence
Guided One Command 6-Step Process
Part 2 Brain Waves and Consciousness

Discover Your Greater Intelligence and where it resides
How you are biologically hardwired for your success
How you can easily influence your DNA
Why there are actual new connections made in your brain
Guided One Command 6-Step Process
Part 3 The One Command Process

The three parts of The One Command and their positive effect
How to form your Command
How The One Command and the Mind work in Harmony
The 6-Step Process and practice exercise taking you through it – showing you how to do it for yourself
Success stories of the process
Guided One Command 6-Step Process
Part 4 Your Success Arrives

The process of change – support for changing old habits into new ones – easily
Meet Yourself in the Moment
What do you want to change, remove, or improve
The biology of change – how the process works inside you
Acceptance and Receiving
Guided One Command 6-Step Process
BONUS Animated Video of The Six Step One Command Process and Practices Included