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The One Command and Empowerment

You are empowered as you change your brain, your chemistry and your DNA by your Command to let current limitations dissolve and new qualities arrive. What you seek is already yours and what you wish to BECOME is already within you!

The power to create change in your life is activated with one simple decision – “I want to make change”. With The One Command you begin, “I don’t know how to accomplish it” – because you don’t know. If you did you would already have done it. But there is a part of you that absolutely has the answers, solutions and ability to uncreate your existing limits, and to create new ways of being.

Stepping up your engagement in The One Command process brings about increased positive results – a change of mind, a change of vibration and a new frequency of accomplishment.

There is a moment – a choice to go beyond your current limits – when you extend yourself beyond the role of the student into that of the leader and teacher. This is where quantum results take place. Each time you present and lead others, you grow in quantum measure. It is a scientific fact that as you teach so you shall become. I often say I teach what I wish to learn and know.

The teacher arrives when the student is ready but the teacher develops from the interaction with the student. It is a two–way meeting of growth and empowerment.

New epiphanies, comprehensions, insights and cohesive certainty arrives as you meet the challenge to show up in front of the room as a seminar leader or guide your client in a coaching session. It is exquisite and exciting and challenging to be present in the moment in the best version of yourself possible.

I say again and again, “Start where you are” because in 6 months you’ll be a better version of where you began and that growth curve continues.

In all our empowerment programs at The One Command we have a strong philosophy that you can never do it wrong because the student or client is 100% responsible for her or his positive results. Your challenge is to see how well you show up or how well you deliver the material or guide the client through a coaching session.

Seminars and Process

Your expertise, credentials and authority increase as you practice and engage as a One Command Circle Leader, Coach, or Seminar Leader.



Your expertise, credentials and authority increase as you practice and engage as a One Command Circle Leader, Coach, or Seminar Leader.

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